Cow Hug Day: AITUC condemns unconstitutional activities by the Government Departments

Press Release
The appeal of Animal Welfare Board of India to mark February 14th as ‘cow hug day’ is shocking and outrageously appalling.
The fact that the appeal comes with the approval of the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying is all the more deplorable. Such an unscientific balderdash, reportedly accepted and approved by a government department is absolutely unconstitutional, for, the Indian constitution stands for encouraging scientific temper.
All India Trade Union Congress urges upon the Union government and the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying to immediately call for the withdrawal of the appeal.
AITUC also calls upon the Union government to initiate stringent action against the official responsible for issuing such an unscientific appeal.
मनाओ तो ऐसे मनाओ… #cartoon #CowHugDay
— Kirtish Bhatt (@Kirtishbhat) February 9, 2023
Article 51 (A) in the 42nd amendment of Indian constitution says. “It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to develop scientific temper, humanism and spirit of inquiry and reform”.
This being the very spirit of Indian constitution, a department of a union government issuing such an unscientific appeal based on an inappropriate and untoward commitment to uphold ‘vedic culture’ is unconstitutional.
This is an affront to the secular and pluralistic culture of India. Every religious scripture is believed to propagate humanitarian doctrine. The constitution upholds freedom of religion to its citizens, but the state is secular and scientific view is an integral part of secularism.
“Emotional richness and collective happiness” is envisaged through secular ethos in India which stands erect on multiculturalism as its backbone.
The appeal to ‘hug cows’ on February 14, Valentines Day, is an unabashed mockery of a scientific and civilised society. Unscientific, illogical and farfetched ideas of any individual or a political party or an ideology cannot be allowed to malign the scientific quintessence of secular India by using government machinery.
AITUC sends its strongest condemnation and demands immediate withdrawal of the appeal of the Animal Welfare Board of India.
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